The banner saga 1 & 2
The banner saga 1 & 2

the banner saga 1 & 2

Two more achievements will be awarded for using the Training Tent specifically. Both can be done in the Training Tent, but are just as easily done in real battles. Two achievements will be for getting kills using the character specific abilities belonging to Dytch/Eirik and Bolverk. Each response will be listed in the walkthrough so you shouldn't need to worry about these at all. Two achievements are gained by making specific choices with your two leading characters (Rook/Alette and Bolverk). Clansmen can be turned into Fighters but you need only do this twice in the game and I will instruct you when. Fighters for the most part are unimportant and the more you have the more supplies are needed per day, so they end up being quite counterproductive. Three new achievements are awarded for having a specific amount of Clansmen, Fighters, and Varl in your caravan.

the banner saga 1 & 2

I did so quite liberally and still made it with around ten days to spare. Forced March requires you to reach Arberrang within 100 days which is easily doable even if you need to rest a few days at a time to heal and restore morale.

the banner saga 1 & 2

Supplies are also much easier to come by as your Clansmen will occasionally forage for food while you travel thus increasing your supply count for you. Morale is rarely in any trouble and there are lots of random and scripted events (as well as other opportunities) to increase it. High Spirits, Quartermaster, and Forced March also make a return though they are all much, much easier than the first game. Therefore, I will be instructing you on the choices needed to ensure you take on every battle possible. Battles in this game, while still plentiful, are fewer in number than the first game and you do not have wars to double up your count. Warmonger will see you take part in at least 32 battles in TBS2. The final two story achievements will be for meeting with Meinolf in Arberrang with each lead character of choice over both playthroughs. Unlike TBS1, these must be interacted with for the game to continue so they are story related and cannot be missed. Another 6 will be for visiting each of the Godstones throughout your playthrough. The team at Stoic seem keen to show that they have been listening to player feedback because each of the fights I encountered during my time with the demo introduced more and more new features into the combat.- There will be 11 achievements for getting 3 kills with specific characters/classes though these can be done either in battle or in the Training Tent. The first game, while gorgeous and memorable, was spoiled somewhat by a rather shallow combat system that often felt repetitive. Meanwhile, cataclysmic events continue to shake the world, making the journey of The Banner Saga's heroes even more dire. A black tide of monsters called Dredge have come pouring out of the north, washing over the human and giant-like Varl settlements, pushing those who refuse to fight and die further south. While I'll avoid spoiling the finer details of the story, the general gist is that the world is quickly approaching its end. If you've never played The Banner Saga, I strongly suggest doing so before venturing into its sequel because it was clear how much of its narrative hinges on the events and choices of the first game. The demo I played picks up only weeks after the events of the first game.

The banner saga 1 & 2