Google domains send email as alias
Google domains send email as alias

google domains send email as alias

So, you have your domain pointing to Vercel's servers.

#Google domains send email as alias how to

There is a really nice article here /guides/send-emails-using-gmail/ that shows you how to add your alias to a GMail account and use Google's SMTP. And this depends on what other email service you are using. If you however want use it as a sender you have to make additional effort. I'll suggest to wait a couple of hours before giving up 😉 Using the email as a senderĪll the work so far is valid for the case where you want to receive an email to your alias. Have in mind that this whole setup may not start working immediately. Then go to the first tab on that same screen called Aliases and add the desired emails. When these records exist in Vercel you will get a confirmation in ImprovMX dashboard that your domain is properly set up. Go to Vercel domains and under the DNS Records section add the ImprovMX records. Click on the gear icon next to it and you should be prompted with a page that shows you the MX and SPF records that you need to set up in Vercel. Once your domain is added you need to configure it. The first thing that you have to do is to create an account and add your domain.

google domains send email as alias

We need such service because Vercel is not offering email management. ImprovMX is a service that allows you to create email aliases for your domain. Vercel needs to verify the DNS settings and also to set up a SSL certificate. Pick the correct entry from the list and after some time you should see your domain. When your project exists you should go to the domains section in Vercel and click on the Add button. Immediately a new project appeared in my Vercel dashboard. This command walked me through the needed basic settings. I anyway needed it with the idea to develop my project there so I did that and simply run vercel inside (previously installed via npm i -g vercel). I did not create the project in the Vercel UI at but I've made a folder on my machine. You need to have a Vercel project to which you will be adding the new domain. Every attempt to send an email to will be forwarded to Vercel. This means that you can't use the email aliases provided by Google. What you should know after this step is that your domain is no longer pointing to Google's servers. Set the Vercel DNS instead of the default Google ones: Open your domain settings in and navigate to the DNS section.

Google domains send email as alias